When you look back at 2024, what comes to mind? Is it the difficulties, the losses, the challenges? We’ve all lived through a lot, so you’d be forgiven for needing to process some of the low points in your year. They happened! Reflecting on challenges and hardships is important, whether the experience is from months ago or you’re still in the thick of it. Take the time to absorb any lessons learned, notice your resiliency, and recall any dark, low valleys you’ve traveled; this is essential to developing the wisdom and confidence to get you through whatever difficult roads lie ahead.
“When you look back at 2024, what comes to mind?”
But every valley has its peak — whether it was good luck, simple pleasure, or hard work that paid off. What comes to mind now? Maybe the warm, loving nights that went a little too late or the smell of the morning air on your trip to the mountains? What about the job you got — or the job you left — that made your life feel like it made sense again?
We asked you, our readers, about how you found joy this year — and wow, we were amazed at all of your stories.* We got almost 100 responses that we’ve compiled below to remind you of all the simple and profound beauty that a single year can hold. Let this be your occasion to celebrate your year, to remember what you’ve overcome and to savor the sweetest parts of the past twelve months — because a good and valuable life worth living certainly has both.
If you haven’t shared your highlights with us yet, let us know in the comments where you found joy in 2024. (And be sure to sign up for our daily newsletter — our own way to infuse your inbox with 30 seconds of joy every morning.)
*Some responses have been condensed or edited for clarity.
Daily practices
“A daily gratitude practice: 10 things I’m thankful for and why. Starting each day preparing this list eases my anxiety and establishes a positive mindset. On days that let life get in the way and skip doing my gratitude journal, I feel it every hour of the day. One thing that has worked for me is giving myself grace if I can’t sit down and write 10 things — maybe I can do 2, or maybe I can at least think through a handful of things no matter what I am doing!” – Kaitlyn
“Starting my morning by candlelight sets me up to be calm and intentionally slow.” – Anonymous Reader
“Starting each day preparing this list eases my anxiety and establishes a positive mindset.”
“A practice I started a couple years ago is aligning my journalling practice with my fall birthday. I get a new (often sustainable and compostable) journal and set aside time to reflect on the previous year and then what would bring me joy, fun, and satisfaction in the year of life ahead. I found that aligning this practice with my birthday felt more meaningful to me and helped me appreciate everything I did and experienced in the year of life that I just lived.” – Kaitlyn
“I have been using The Good Trade for a mantra and journaling each morning. I have a journal from Urban Outfitters x Ohh Deer that is the best. On the top, I write my mantra for the day which I usually take from the top section of past The Daily Good newsletters. Then I am able to list my urgent and non-urgent priorities and list them in most important to least important order. Throughout the day I only worry about getting the urgent items done and if I have time before 6 pm, I’ll complete others. If not, it is time for my rest and self-care. The planner also has a schedule tool and a blank space on the opposite page. In the blank space I pick a daily journal question from The Good Trade. Right now, I am using the journal prompts for every emotion article. I will also write something I am grateful for on this page. This practice inspired by this newsletter has been a game changer for me. It clears all of my to-dos from my head to paper and also gives me something positive to focus on for the day and a place to vent if I need to.” – Courteney S.
“My mornings will start with meditation and breakfast with my kids whether I take them to school or not, and my day will always end with reading in my bed. Be it a physical book or on my Kindle. These three things are my non-negotiables and they always make my day a success.” – Biljana H.
“My day will always end with reading in my bed.”
“I found joy, and a soothing sense of peace and calm with my daily morning practice of Qigong. It sets the tone for my whole day.” – Judith H.
“I started doing a simple meditation and yoga session every morning. The results are AMAZING. I am more focused, energized, and I’ve started looking and feeling better. I’ve also developed better eating habits for my family and myself. I never thought I’d be one of those people who exercise regularly just because my schedule is so hectic. I came to realize if I only have 10 minutes then that’s what I’ll do. Even just those 10 minutes has changed my mornings immensely.” – Nicole H.
“I wake up at 5 a.m., walk for 25 min, then do 30 min of yoga. After work, I walk another 2 miles. This is my favorite time of year with holiday decorations.” – Connie M.
“This year I wanted to foster my spiritual growth, so I made it a practice to read a poem from Lao Tzu’s ‘Tao Te Ching’ each morning. I chose a translation by one of my favorite authors, Ursula LeGuin. Reading the “Tao Te Ching” each morning has kept me grounded in the midst of immense changes and pressures in my life, and the ancient, compact pieces have reminded me of the beauty and magic that exists in even the smallest moments.” – Rachel B.
“Every morning, I like to start my day with breakfast, a hot mug of tea, and time in the Bible. My church is doing a Bible-in-a-Year plan, and so it’s sweet to be reading the same encouraging passages as my family and other loved ones.” – Caroline T.
“Eat breakfast. Or at the very least drink water. Before coffee, tea, or anything else. Taking the time for myself in the morning really set me up for a good day. My health comes first, nothing else matters more. They can all wait.” – Elena P.
“Taking the time for myself in the morning really set me up for a good day.”
“Making tea every day just boosts the soup a little through the workday!” – Shine R.
“Creating a list of ‘tiny little joys’ which I added to every day — it could be as small as having a Diet Coke in a fancy cup or something my dog did but it really helped train my brain to start looking for the positive things that brought me joy, no matter how small!” – Emily S.
“Doing somatic and nervous system regulation exercises daily. They helped me relax and it made a huge difference in my overall stress just by taking a few moments for myself. They only took about 10 minutes, but I swear by them now for feeling happy and healthy.” – Emily S.
“Over the past year, I have been implementing my ‘Parking Lot Meditations,’ increasing my time from a mere 5 minutes to nearly 20 minutes a morning in the comfort of my vehicle. Most recently, I have begun incorporating 30 minutes on my weekends. This ‘practice’ (and now I finally understand what the term ‘practice’ means…) has transformed my mind and my life. I am so grateful for the wide variety of resources I have found, including a couple of visits to a local space called Rooted in Mindfulness. Today’s parking lot meditation was 30 minutes and it was amazingly uplifting and calming. I’m looking forward to continuing to build on my new skills!” – Lisa D.
“I found joy in my daily practice of getting up before my daughter to exercise. It is my favorite self-care ritual. When I skip a morning of exercise, I feel wonky all day long. I look forward to it every day.” – Lynne N.
“Making space for somatic practice when I’m feeling overwhelmed and not worrying about the time it takes to do one of these practices.”
“Finding flow with a morning routine: Breathwork, followed by meditation in the mornings. Also, making space for somatic practice when I’m feeling overwhelmed and not worrying about the time it takes to do one of these practices (i.e., having a dance to a few tracks, a short yoga flow, a walk outside).” – Reina
“I have incorporated a morning routine that starts my day on a positive note. After my early morning workout and shower, I have a quiet space upstairs that I sit with my dog on her fuzzy blanket and I listen to a meditation. Then I journal about all of the good things from the previous day while I drink my cup of tea. My new routine helps me start my day focused and grateful for al of the good in my life.” – Valerie B.
“I started the practice of Morning Pages after reading my way through ‘The Artist’s Way.’ I’ve been actively working on my grief (losing both my parents) and the daily writing has illuminated buried feelings and helped to work through those deep emotional valleys in a private but comfortable way.” – Jess F.
“My partner brings me a cup of tea in bed every morning. That small act of kindness in the morning jumpstarts my day with joy (and the warmth needed to hop out of bed!).” – Jasmine Y.
“Every morning, the first thing I do when I get out of bed is walk straight out the back door into our backyard. I take a deep breath of fresh air, take a look at what the sky is doing, notice what the trees are up to, and take a moment to ground myself and feel ready for the day ahead. It’s been a wonderful daily practice.” – BvM
“I take a deep breath of fresh air, take a look at what the sky is doing, notice what the trees are up to and take a moment to ground myself and feel ready for the day ahead.”
“I know I’m late to the game, but I started Wordle’ing and I created a whole blissful morning routine out of it: I start by oil pulling my friend’s product called Magic Mouth. I bundle myself up in a housecoat and sit outside while I swish and attempt my Wordle. After I complete it, I spit out my oil and make myself a coffee.” – Keighty Gallagher
“I start my day with one cup of coffee in my mug which says ‘Enjoy the gift of an ordinary day’ while I’m working my crossword. Next, I always make my bed and add my favorite pillow which says “Life is good.” Now I’m on a positive track to enjoy pickleball with friends or swim laps which is my meditation time.” – Mitzi Laird
“This year I decided to ditch my phone before getting in bed at night. I bought an old-school alarm clock that has a variety of sounds to wake up to, and also includes a sound machine. I started charging my phone at my desk in the other room. It has changed my evening and morning routine completely. At night, it encouraged me to read a (screen-free) book before bed, pillow talk with my partner, and eliminated doom scrolling. In the morning, I stopped checking emails and social media as soon as I woke up. Hello, mindful morning snuggles! I also get out of bed sooner and feel less stress about my day ahead. This has been a complete game changer and has brought joy to my life in more ways than one!” – Katie G.
“I started charging my phone at my desk in the other room. It has changed my evening and morning routine completely.”
“I practice joy by doing a line-a-day journal where I quickly reflect on my day each night before I go to sleep. It’s a 5 year journal so I can see what I wrote last year and remember what I was doing. I have also found peace in the small interactions in my life; family 1:1 time, conversations with customers at my service job, and friends over simple meet-ups. These small moments have made my year so much lighter.” – KMM
“I established a practice with my husband to share three good things that happened today before going to bed. I swear it helps bring sweeter dreams!” – Victoria S.
“Always read at least 10 pages before bed.” – T-A D.
Practical tools
“I downloaded the Finch app that you wrote about in one of your newsletters and now I am more aware of my daily activities. It’s more fun.” – Roxana
“Meditating with the free app Medito whenever I feel overwhelmed. <3″ – Lara P.
“Funnily enough, I use my period tracker app, Clue, to track more than just whether I’m a heavy bleed or have taken my contraceptive. I use the existing and custom tags to reflect on my day, noting down physical and mental aspects to take a step back and observe, and to eventually see patterns over years. I’m even expecting this to help at doctor appointments, when I’m able to point at certain phases with certainty. Can highly recommend as reflection and preparation!” – Mareike W.
Listening and learning
“I followed The Peanut Blossom’s reading list for the year. It’s 12 books, all fiction, but different genres. It has exposed me to books I never otherwise would have read and reignited my love of reading.” – Anonymous Reader
“Starting yoga teacher training has been the most amazing experience and after crossing the halfway mark, I am really noticing the positive changes it has brought to my life.” – Anonymous Reader
“I found joy this year by reading and paying attention to not only my words, but the words of others. Let me explain. We all know that reading is good, and what you choose to read is even more valuable. Whether an article (of my choice!), spiritual affirmation, a text message from a friend, or the pages of a book, I practiced finding ways to enjoy the words in my life written by loved ones and beloved authors. Words do matter, and the ones we choose to give our attention to mean all the difference.” – Danyella W.
“Whether an article (of my choice!), spiritual affirmation, a text message from a friend, or the pages of a book, I practiced finding ways to enjoy the words in my life written by loved ones and beloved authors.”
“Taking time each morning to read and reflect on a book or a passage for just 10–15 min a day at least a few days a week.” – Kim M.
“In the last quarter of 2024, I started listening to a podcast aimed at reading through the Bible in a year. I picked up right where they were, in the middle of the Bible, instead of feeling like I needed to start at the beginning or wait for the start of next year. It’s allowed me to spend intentional time almost every evening listening to something meaningful to me and slowing down before bed. I’m excited to continue into 2025 and just jump back to the beginning after I’ve finished listening through to the end.” – Heather B.
“Me and two of my closest friends tackled ‘The Artist’s Way’ this year. We’re all authors and it was a magical experience to unlock our creativity and grow even closer. We had many powerful conversations about boundaries, fear, dreams, emotions, and behaviors. Plus it helped us stay consistently connected since one writer is currently living abroad!” – Hayley F.
Connecting with loved ones
“Something that brought me joy in 2024 is the undeserving love of a young child. My husband and I work with kids and youth and time after time we find ourselves having a conversation about how young children have so much love to give. Even when we have done nothing to earn their love other than just being there and offering them our attention and care. I find it so precious to hold the love of a child who has given it to me simply because I give them my care and focus. It is something we don’t take lightly and it is a treasure.” – KB
“I find it so precious to hold the love of a child who has given it to me simply because I give them my care and focus.”
“I found joy in being around friends when I was at festivals!” – AM
“I found joy this year in the small, holy moments of joy, love, and magic: Walks to school filled with wonder and discovery; teaching yoga in sacred spaces; finding a soul sister completely unexpectedly. All of these filled my heart with treasured memories and hope.” – Chrissy J.
“What if I told you that the deepest relationships I’ve forged over the past two years have been built through virtual means? As both a digital slowmad and a job seeker, it’s become an unexpected yet natural part of the journey. Some might call it networking, but for me, it feels far more profound. We’ve shared moments of tears and triumph — from news of a brain tumor to a friend buying land after 5 years on the road. The secret, perhaps, lies in the simple truth that I don’t hold back. I don’t save my raw, unfiltered self for just the people close by. I let it all spill into the world, and in return, I’ve discovered that connection, when shared authentically, transcends technology.” – Miranda R.
“My mother is suffering from the early stages of dementia. She lives with me, and I realized I was being short with her, having to answer the same questions over and over. But then I thought, “What if today were her last day with me? How would I act then?” It changed my whole mindset. Now I don’t mind answering those same questions. I enjoy my time with her much more. Maybe it seems morbid to some, but it’s calmed me and made me appreciate her so much more.” – JR
“‘What if today were her last day with me? How would I act then?’ It changed my whole mindset.”
“My daughter introduced us to HER daughter! My daughter had no idea she was pregnant. It’s hard to believe, but looking back, I had seen her the week before she delivered and she did not look pregnant. We became grandparents in an instant and have been so in love since meeting her. ” – KD
“We were blessed with a leap-year grandson. His almost 5-year-old sister adores him — as do we.” – Bonnie C.
“Our daughter got married at the end of summer. We are happy that she found her person and we were able to celebrate with family and friends. It takes a village to raise your kids to be good people and we had them there with us.” – AK
Healing and rebirth
“In 2024, I found joy on stage, performing again after a long break. I hadn’t realized just how much I needed the healing power of the arts until this year. Last year, I lost a best friend and it turned my world upside down. It was incredibly hard, and the weight of that loss lingered. But theater became my sanctuary — a space where I could ground myself and begin to heal. It connected me with amazing people, and through those relationships, I was reminded of the beauty of family, community, and connection. I’m so grateful for the memories I made and the friends I found along the way. The stage not only brought light to my year, but it also brought me back to myself.” – Gelsey P.
“I hadn’t realized just how much I needed the healing power of the arts until this year.”
“2024 was a very hard year, I was still getting over the death of my father while planning my own wedding. I have come a long way in my healing journey, as the old me would tell you there was not much joy this year, but yet there is. I got married to my best friend, and all of the people who mean the most to me showed up for me along the way. I got to go to new places this year that brought special memories and newfound friendships along the way. I also got my license in addiction counseling this year which I have been working towards for the last four years, so I can continue to help those in need at some of their lowest points. My little sister also turned 18, and we got to reminisce on the life she has lived, and the big changes that came as me being an older sister to her. Overall, no matter what I learned that even in one of the hardest years of my life there is still time to slow down and have space to still find joy out of the year.” – AM
“Systemic therapy.” – Daura M.
“I learned that even in one of the hardest years of my life there is still time to slow down and have space to still find joy out of the year.”
“Really true: My divorce I had this year unlocked so much joy because life has unfolded in ways I could have never imagined of. Of course it was a hard time and big loss, but with these sad emotions also joy and relief came.” – Mica
“I am Andrea, living in Berlin and I am a breast cancer survivor. I was soo happy, that I was able to tie a wreath for midsummer and now for Christmas.” – Andrea
“This year has been insanely hard but also so, so joyful. My mom was diagnosed with cancer the week before I gave birth to my second child. We knew it wasn’t good during my actual pregnancy, but finally got a diagnosis and treatment plan going. She just had her halfway PET scan and her prognosis is looking great. So so so thankful! She loves my baby girl and helps as she can/visits when she feels up to it!” – AMH
“I battled cancer and finished my chemotherapy treatments in April of this year. That’s when I received the wonderful news that I’m in remission! Last year and beginning of this year were so rough but I’m alive and thriving and feel amazing. So much joy and celebration!” – Leanne B.
Simple pleasures
“Being barefoot in the grass, hammocking, keeping my home organized in a way that makes sense for me.” – MC
“Reading, meditation, and ice baths.” – Cindy R.
“Being on the water gave me great memories with my daughters and opportunities to be fully present in the moment.”
“I picked up reading physical books and working out this year. To me, they are the epitomes of delayed gratification that are also active hobbies (in contrast to passive leisures). They did wonders for my mental and physical health and my routines. They made me a better person, so I can show up better for myself and those I love.” – Elena P.
“Standup paddle boarding! It got me outside so much more and being on the water gave me great memories with my daughters and opportunities to be fully present in the moment.” – Kat W.
“Every Sunday morning this year I spent time cuddling with my cat on my couch and doing something just for me. Whether that was online shopping, reading a book, or just enjoying the view outside my window, I made sure to take a moment for myself before I started my Sundays.” – Sabrina C.
Sharing your story
“Carrying a pocket notebook around with me everywhere. When I had an idea, a deep thought, or wanted to track something, I could jot it down. It has been the companion that has brought me the most joy this year!” – GC
“Creating content for my mental health private practice. Sharing my sobriety journey!” – TM
“Sharing my sobriety journey!”
“Opening my store in March 2024.” – Anonymous Reader
“In 2024, I found so much joy in creating my Confidence Kit for my company, Wear The Damn Boots. It’s a collection of empowering items designed to spark boldness and self-love. Inside the kit, I included: Affirmation Cards: To inspire daily confidence with uplifting messages. A Signature Scent: A reminder that confidence has a feeling, and it’s uniquely yours. Wear the Damn Boots Key Chain: A symbol of the mindset to embrace life boldly. A Bold Red Lipstick: Because nothing says ‘I’ve got this’ like a pop of red. A Compact Mirror: For a moment to reflect — inside and out — on how far you’ve come. A Celebration Journal: To capture wins, big or small, and remember what makes you shine. The real joy came from watching these kits light up others’ lives. Whether someone used the affirmation cards to start their day or gifted the kit to a friend, it was beautiful to see the ripple effect of confidence and connection. Hosting kit-making gatherings with friends, each adding their personal touches, was the highlight of my year. 2024 was a celebration of the small, meaningful things that remind us of our strength and beauty.” – Lisa B.
“I got married to my love of 10 years and we went on our dream honeymoon to Italy! I miss the tiramisu, salted pistachio gelato, pizza, and amaretto sours so much but especially just meandering around the cities and taking in the everyday sights and sounds at our own pace without a care in the world.” – Brittney W.
“After a year of planning, my mother and I packed all our belongings and booked two one-way tickets to Mexico. The moment we stepped off the plane was incredible, and getting to re-discover the motherland after 13 years of living in America has proved to be such an amazing experience. I have never seen her happier and truly I have never felt freer. I only wish anyone who has left their homeland can one day return and rediscover what was left behind.” – Gabriela H.
“The moment I drove into Oregon for the first time, I involuntarily sobbed with joy because I was finally accomplishing my dream. I felt elated, drunk with disbelief and just in awe that my dream was finally coming true after so much work and waiting. I’ve never full body sobbed with joy before and I’ll chase that feeling forever.” – Baylee S.
“I felt elated, drunk with disbelief and just in awe that my dream was finally coming true after so much work and waiting.”
“My husband and I went to our first big con this year (Indy Comic Con) and we had the time of our lives! We already have tickets for next year!” – Misti D.S.
“My grown sons (31 and 36) took ME on vacation this year! We had a weekend in San Francisco, a week in Melbourne AUS, and a week in Queenstown NZ! I went into a Glow Worm cave, I jumped into a canyon on a rope swing, I rode a jetboat down the river, and made priceless memories with sons and my 6-year-old granddaughter. For a girl who grew up hoping to go to Cedar Point on vacation, it was AMAZING.” – Barbara M.
“My college gal pal visited with her family, two daughters in tow. I caught them sitting on our front porch, basking in sunlight and reading physical books. Now, whenever I walk by those Adirondack chairs, I see them curled up, reading, and ignoring us adults.” – Hanna S.
“With nine of my closest friends, I hiked for 7.5 hours in the Smoky Mountains. We laughed and cried during this trip with 25 pounds on our backs. The joy found on this trip helped me navigate the loss of my mother just one week later.” – Angie H.
“After eight years of dreaming, I walked the Camino de Santiago (500 miles across northern Spain) in June! It gave me space to grieve the end of a long-term relationship, and along the way I made new friendships I’ll treasure forever. I have never felt more physically exhausted and mentally rested. Even in the hardest moments, I felt deep gratitude for the many people in my life who empowered me to be there, and deep joy of choosing to prioritize me.” – Caroline
“Even in the hardest moments I felt deep gratitude for the many people in my life who empowered me to be there, and deep joy of choosing to prioritize me.”
“This was the first year I had a close group of girlfriends to go on trips with. We are four girls who love nature and relaxation, so we went to Fredericksburg, TX for a spa, some winery visits, and even a ghost tour! I have never been one to have a huge circle of friends so I am so grateful that I found my small group of girls I can commune with. Positive female relationships are so important for our mental wellness. I hope every woman can find her little group to uplift her and empower her.” – Maria N.
“I attended the Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration in Washington, D.C. in November. The strength of the voices and connections there were so courageous and encouraging. To me they were proof that while we may not be able to control the vagaries of mankind’s plunge through time, we can participate — and celebrate — the way the darkest times, like the Vietnam Era, are overcome.” – Kat F.
“Walked the last 100km on the Portuguese Camino with a long-time friend — life-changing!” – LM
First and big wins
“I finally got a stable, full-time job in my area of expertise. But more than the job, it’s the first time I’ve been in a not toxic work environment. It’s continuous joy, every day.” – MD
“Welcoming my first baby to the world!” – TL
“Seeing my baby girl notice and really see me for the first time!” – MA
“More than the job, it’s the first time I’ve been in a not toxic work environment. It’s continuous joy, everyday.”
“Gave birth to my daughter in a painful but beautiful natural birth.” – LF
“Finding out we’re expecting our first baby after a year. It’s only been 14 weeks, but already it has completely changed my outlook on life and I cannot wait to be a mum in 2025.” – Jenny
“2024 was the year I truly fell in love for the first time. I thought I had experienced love with other partners, but then I met Henry and my entire perspective on love changed. When he proposed to me in September, it was the easiest ‘yes’ of my life. He provides safety, joy, laughter, accountability, growth, and so many other beautiful things in my life. My best friend of 15 years took pictures of the proposal and we both have the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe I get to marry such a wonderful man, and I’m looking forward to all the joy 2025 will bring as we start our lives together.” – Carissa S.
Ashley D’Arcy is the Senior Editor at The Good Trade. She holds an MA in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research and has contributed to esteemed outlets such as The Nation, 032c, and Yale School of Management’s Insights where she’s leveraged her expertise in making complex ideas accessible to a broad audience. In addition to her editorial work, she is training as a psychoanalytic mental health professional and provides care to patients in New York City. Ashley also explores sustainable fashion, clean beauty, and wellness trends, combining thoughtful cultural critiques with a commitment to mindful living.